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THE BEST LOCAL FILM I WATCHED SO FAR, bagi huruf besar lagi tu, so, tidak hairan lah yang movie ni tengah box office sekarang. jalan cerita terbaik, santai saja, more to family genre, banyak nilai moral yang dipaparkan and of course more about chinese culture.
cinematography movie ni power, briliant, i must say. this movie had choose the awesome place which are cameron highland, the island, penang and not forget to mention the bridge at Perak. It makes we realize yang actually banyak tempat menarik kat Malaysia ni. cuma kita perlu explore, perlu cari.
Okay, back to review, Nak bagi sinopsis sikit cerita ni. so, for those yang belum tengok, amaran, this article boleh jadi spoiler. Do not continue reading if you wanna watch this movie. better tengok without baca any synopsis, baru ada element surprise. baru "SYOKKK" hehe, for those yang dah tengok sure faham why i used that word.
Actually this movie tentang Bee and Ayah dia yang tidak serasi/rapat kerana Bee dibesarkan di England dan jarang pulang ke Malaysia. Kali Bee pulang kerana ingin memperkenalkan Benji, "mat saleh" guy iaitu tunang Bee.
Ayah Bee seorang yang terlalu mengikut pantang larang dan berpegang pada tradisi China sangat kecewa kerana mendapat menantu "Mat Saleh" guy, foreigner la, not chinese guy. Dia cuba membantah perkahwinan mereka , tetapi selepas kematian rakan baik dia, dia sedar yang sebelum dia mati, dia patut melihat anaknya kahwin, so bermula la episod dia menghantar kad perkawinan ke rumah kawan sekelasnya dulu. dia menaiki motor bersama benji ke negeri berbeza antaranya perak,penang and other state yang im not sure la. That time la, mereka try to getting along together, and benji learnt something, then changed him to be a better person, and reasonable person. then ayah bee pula started to know and kenal lebih rapat si Benji ni.
so, the story goes on sampai la part mereka cuba membina belon udara solar, untuk memenuhi hasrat kawan ayah bee yang baru meninggal, okay stop with this synopsis, you should watch it. Hahaha.
The best part about this movie?
Every person yang berlakon dalam cerita memang berbakat and acted so well sampai kau rasa this not movie, this is something documentary, the real thing. serious! and the places, oh my, the places was so amazing. even aku duduk malaysia pon, aku tak sangka yang the places actually existed in my country. I wish the outside people should watched this movie and nak datang Malaysia.
cerita ni kelakar, ada part sedih, cerita ni pandai buat aku gelak, ada part aku jerit, ada part aku sedih, but almost semua gelak. even thinking about the movie, i'm smiling . :)
antara yang kelakar, bila ayah bee beli kemeja untuk benji dan kebetulan sama dengan sofa di rumah Fatimah. haha, even cucu-cucu Fatimah called him "Sofaman" , try sebut laju-laju, it will sound like "superman" Haha.
so, you should watch it, thanks Atika and her friends for the ajak-ajak, hehe. and Nadia sangat kelakar, dia lah paling banyak gelak dalam movie tu, hahaha. even part "taik burung" pon dia gelak. "Burung tu pandai berlakon" hahaha
so, yes , very recommended to watch this movie, you will never regret it. Finally Malaysia! Finally! tiada unsur-unsur rempit, tiada carut maki, this kind of movie yang kau boleh tunjuk kat outside people, this is Malaysia okay! :)
saya sangat seronok hingga saya menulis tanpa henti dan saya rasa saya patut berhenti sekarang. hahaha.
tapi Frankie Lee & Joanne Yew , sangat hensem and cantik! watak paling penting, ofcourse ayah bee, Uncle Chuan (Sai Peng Lee)
“A cross-continental story that explores the idea of culture, not just as tradition but as an expression of love. No hantu with bad make up. No big stars overdoing it. No crash boom bang. But full of love, tradition and beauty. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to watch this beautiful film. (Cry like gila) My favourite Malaysian film so far this year. With amazing shots, wonderful story and honest performances The Journey is hard to beat. Well done director, cast and team. Thank you for a beautiful film. There is still hope for Malaysian films.SyukurAlhamdulillah.” - Sharifah Armani,
Okay bye! Box office beb, yes! Well done :)
P/s: actually, cerita ni takde pon fokus sangat pasal belon panas sebab, that part macam sekejap, actually more to benji and uncle chuan. :)