1st Theme Park in Malaysia - Mimaland



Have you ever heard about Mimaland or Malaysia In Miniature Land? Actually Mimaland is the first water park in Malaysia, It was opened in 1971. Mimaland is the famous recreation park Malaysia and located at Ulu Gombak, Malaysia.

After years of operating Mimaland, a 27-year-old Singaporean was killed in an accident at the giant surf board Mimaland in January 1993. The unfortunate incident shocked the public and forced the temporary closing Mimaland including the affected areas of the pool and boards. After improvement work was done, Mimaland opened back up to the public. However, a minor landslide caused damage to the walls of the same pool in May 1994. This incident caused muddy water to seep into the pool, causing the area to close to the public.- wikipedia

Pihak pengurusan Mimaland kemudiannya telah diseret ke mahkamah oleh beberapa pihak termasuk agensi kerajaan di atas beberapa dakwaankesalahan, antaranya ialah kelemahan dalam kawalan keselamatan, serta menjadi punca kepada beberapa masalah alam sekitar. Sepanjang pendakwaan kes tersebut pihak mahkamah telah menghalang Mimaland daripada meneruskan operasinya. Akibat tidak dapat lagi bertahan tanpa beroperasi, Mimaland akhirnya terpaksa menutup terus pintunya buat selama-lamanya pada 1994. Kesan peninggalan Mimaland masih wujud hingga kini. - Arkib Negara


I knew about this park from Virtual Malaysia 's Infographic as you can see below. Its listed all the theme park at Malaysia and some information about theme park that you don't even know. Full version? just click the photo below or click this link : http://www.virtualmalaysia.com/malaysia-theme-park-infographic-things-you-didnt-know/

Kalau theme park ni masih ada, ia dianggarkan berusia 43 tahun. Sayangnya banyak masalah teknikal dan boleh membahayakan keselamatan orang awam. 

Agak-agak , my parent pergi sana tak zaman masa water park ni masih buka, Haha. lagi-lagi bila dekat gombak je. I will ask my mom and my brothers. xsangka betul. 

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