Resepi Nasi Goreng Udang
November 16, 2013
Yeayyy, I got an email from nuffnang to give me this opportunity to cook any recipe ( your own recipe) using super delicious awesomeness Nestle Natural Set Yogurt ! Macam tahu kita suka masak. Haha. But, cooking something with yogurt,never tried before so for this challenge it quite interesting. Hehe.
I love prawn verrrrry much! especially Nasi Goreng Udang. and I make my own recipe of Prawn Fried Rice. sooooo, for this challenge , I will use Nestle Natural Set Yogurt to make the most delicious Prawn Fried Rice in my life! Hehe.
First at all, I will explain, what is sooo awesome about Nestle Natural Set Yogurt? Nestle Natural Set Yogurt is made from a traditional recipe, with low fat, calcium, no added sugar & no flavourings. You can made/create any delicious recipe using this yogurt, being creative people! Hehehe. Each serving of 100g contains only 57kcal and 1.6g of fat compared to 28.3g of fat in the same amount of santan(coconut milk)! amazing right. If you afraid to use santan on your dishes because it might be too much cholesterol, you can use Nestle Natural Set Yogurt. Brilliant and healthy!
okay, lets cooking! First at all you need an ingredient to make Prawn Fried Rice with Nestle Natural Set Yogurt.
1. Of Course THE Nestle Natural Set Yogurt!
2. Prawn! as many as u want! :)
3. Onion and Garlic!
3. The Veggie ! Its up to you. For this recipe, I used carrot and cabbage flower. Yumm yumm!
4. Rice
5. Maggi Cukup Rasa
Settled with ingredients, lets get started. Oh, I forgot to mention, for this recipe, I don't use any salt and sugar or ajinamoto, because Maggi Cukup Rasa and Nestle Natural Set Yogurt will cover up for me. Hehe :)
1. Process the onion,garlic, prawn ,some water and 2 scoop Nestle Natural Set Yogurt in a food processor until combined. Transfer to a large bowl.
2. Heat oil in non-stick frying pan . Cook the ingredient that you have blend before and stir occasionally then put prawn and stir for 5 minutes or until golden. Dont forget to put Maggi Cukup Rasa :)
3. Stir and fry the rice and veggie mixture until heated through and combined. You can add egg or soy sauce if you want it. :)
4. DONE and its taste great! Bukan nak puji diri sendiri but yes! Its sooooo Delicous! :)
Hehehe. How about that? Simple recipe with Nestle Natural Set Yogurt Recipe will make your smile and your belly smile too. :p
Oh, about the cost of this dishes. The prawn its actually RM 4.20 and total of this dishes not more than RM30 :)
Thanks Nestle and Nuffnang :)
wah, macam sedap je.. memang sedap pun tengok ni.. nanti nak cuba lah. good luck.
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